Am I Open?

I had a pastor once who used to talk almost every Sunday about doors that God had opened to him the past week: doors to minister, doors to witness, doors to pray, doors to love. He was always looking for the open door, whether he was in the grocery store line, pumping gas, taking a walk…whatever it was, he kept an open heart for any opportunity God put before him to touch a life. That stuck with me.

Today I wonder, do I keep my heart open to opportunities to show His love, or do I let them slip by? Was I the ONE chance someone had to be loved that day and I missed it because I was too busy?

Do you have a story you can share about a time God opened a door for you and walked through? I would love to hear about it!

Categories: Encouragement | Tags: , , , | 7 Comments

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7 thoughts on “Am I Open?

  1. I was at work one time and someone I knew well passed by. He wanted to see a friend of his. When the friend came they started talking and this guy I knew started telling how he was broke. He had no money at all. He was asking his friend for money, he was just telling his friend how hard it was. I acted like I was busy but I heard the whole thing. So I got some money out of my pocket and ran to this guys work station and told his colleagues to give the money. I told them to not give me away but keep me anonymous. That was an open door for me to bless and I took it! 😄


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  2. I meant to say, my friend wasn’t asking his friend for money. He was just telling him how broke he was.

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  3. So true. I think when we truly ask him for opportunities to love He gives them to us.


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