Posts Tagged With: Whoopie Book Club

The Why Season and Sarah


It’s through the Why Seasons we really grow. I’ve talked about going through the “why times” before…the times that make no sense. The times that are painful. The times with only questions and no answers. These are the times that stretch us. Remember the Stretch Armstrong dolls? That’s how I felt during my longest why time. Just when I thought I couldn’t stretch any further, another tug would come.

I’ve already discussed what I went through to some degree and that is not my purpose today.  Today my purpose is to share what can come from the Why Season.

During that time, I went through a period of sleeplessness…an entire week, in fact. It was me, God, the Bible, and the Hallmark Channel. One day, I decided  to see if my mother-in-law, Geri, had any books I could read. I figured I may as well make the time useful. She told me what genres she had; one being Amish.

Amish. That just sounded peaceful.

I began reading some Amish novels and found I really enjoyed them. A couple of months later, I began looking for new Amish authors to read on my Kindle. (love my Kindle). It was during this search that I found Sarah Price. I fell in love with her writing. I began following her on Facebook and on her website, reading everything I could find. I was actually waiting for her new novel to come out, but it kept being delayed.

I was so frustrated! I wanted to read that book so badly.

In the meantime, she had suggested a book club in one of her books, The Whoopie Pie Book Club. I joined, and there I found some of the most beautiful people. It’s amazing how people you’ve never physically met can minister to you. I also made a disturbing discovery. My favorite author had cancer. This was the reason the book had been delayed!

Through the book club, I discovered Pink Umbrellas, which Sarah began as a cancer support group. Busy girl, this Sarah Price!

As I began to interact with my new friends, I was also finding healing. Do you realize that relationships can help mend your heart and mind? I was even able to chat with Sarah in the book club. I could not believe an author would take the time to actually get to know her readers.

One day, I got a private message from…SARAH PRICE…and I received a friend request. I was so excited! I messaged my Auntie Marilyn and my cousin, Nicole. She asked if we knew each other as little girls. (um, no…) Then she asked if we played together on a little red wagon. (ummm, again, no…)  Well, we didn’t know each other from the past. However, that began a special friendship. Sarah is one of these people that can make everyone feel special. The thing is, she had no way of knowing how badly I needed someone to step into my life and show me my value. Do you know God can use others to show us how much He values us? 

Without knowing me, Sarah Price followed God’s leading and took a huge risk. Not only did she befriend me, she chose me to write a devotional with her…her first devotional. Me. An unknown. Me. A lost girl coming out of a deep Why Season. God began showing me, why.

God had plans for me! God wanted to use me! Me! God loved me and He sent Sarah to me (or He sent me to her, I’m not sure which!).

That time of stretching…why had I gone through it? God wanted me to FEEL. Do you know it’s hard to help others if you can’t feel what they feel?

Sarah Price has been a beautiful gift to me. We have laughed, cried, and laughed some more. I’ve learned so many lessons from her, and I’m still learning today. Literally. Today she taught me another life lesson.

The purpose of my blog today is twofold. I want you to know that the Why Seasons are difficult, but so worth it. The lessons learned during those times are invaluable. I also want to share with you one of my most precious gifts: my friend, my sister, Sarah. God spoke to her regarding me. She could have said, “No”. Most people would have told God He was crazy. But, she trusted Him enough to trust me.

(Love you my LRWF)

Jeremiah 29:11 NIV For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Proverbs 27:9 ESV Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 ESV Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. 10 For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!




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